A Sad Affair
The citizens of Ontario were startled and shocked Thursday morning to learn that Mrs. Hanna Borthwick had committed suicide the evening previous.
The deceased had suffered from a deranged mine a good many many years ago, while living in England, and had twice been confined in an asylum, but it was supposed she had completely recovered as no indication of the disorder had been observed in years.
A short time since, however, hew husband detected evidences of a return of the old trouble and has kept a strict watch upon her movements. Only a few days ago he that that she had obtained possession of a bottle of belladonna, which he took from her.
On Wednesday evening about eight o’clock she passed through the back door into the yard, and not returning in a few moments the family attempted to follow her, but found the door locked on the outside. This thoroughly alarmed them, and a search was made, but the missing woman could not be found. The neighbors were called, and a search continued all night, but it was not until daylight that the searchers were awarded, when the body of the poor woman was found until the foliage of an orange tree, leaning against the body of the tree with her throat cut. In her right hand was a razor, with which she had evidently committed the terrible deed, and in her lap lay a sharp knife. The body was cold, and she had probably committed the deed immediately after leaving the house the evening before.
Judge Hardy was notified, who in turn telephoned Coroner Thompson. The body was removed to the undertaking parlors of Mr. Drew where an inquest was held before the coroner and a jury consisting on Messrs. H. C. Braden, W. Friend, E. Brown, J. King, Dean Randall and H. Housekeeper, who returned a verdict of suicide while temporarily deranged.
The blow has fallen with terrible force upon the husband and daughter of the deceased, and the sympathy of the entire community will go out to them with their great sorrow;
When clothed in her right mine, Mrs. Hanna Borthwick was a kind, gentle disposition, possessing a highly cultivated mind, and held in esteem by all who knew here, and there are many in the colony who will, in her death, mourn the loss of a true friend.