Pretty Evening Wedding
John R. Thomas and Miss Jennie McMath United in Marriage.

John R. Thomas, of Scanton and Miss Jennie (Jennie Borthwick) McMath, of this city, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony last evening. The interesting ceremony took place shortly after seven o’clock at the home of the bride’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMath with home she mas made her home for a number of years. The decorations of the parlor were unique, being composed entirely of articles sent from California by the bride’s father – pepper blossoms, orange leaves and pampas. Only a small company of relatives and intimate friends were present.
The officiating clergyman was Rev. Eugene K Thomas, brother of the groom, and he was assisted by Rev. A. J. Morton, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Pittston. Mr. Thomas was but recently ordained and installed as pastor of the Montrose Baptist Church and the marriage of his brother was the first at which he officiated. The newly-married couple were heartily congratulated when the ceremony making them husband and wife was finished. The bride was attired in a pretty costume of mixed cloth, with brown velvet trimmings, and carried a bouquet of white roses. There were no attendants. The ceremony was simple, but pretty.
A brief social season followed, during which the company admired the gifts received by the bride. These were numerous and beautiful. The high esteem in which Mrs. Thomas is held by her many friends, at home and at a distance, was evidenced in a practical manner, while her activity in church and society work among the First Baptist congregation was not forgotten, some beautiful articles being presented by her Sunday school class, the Junior Christian Endeavor Society, the choir and other organizations.
At about 8:30 o’clock, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas took a train for Green Ridge, were they have a home already furnished and where they will go to housekeeping at once, Mr. Thomas having a position with Guernsey Brothers, in Scranton. Some years ago, Mr. Thomas resided in Pittston, and he still had many young friends among our people. The young lady who he has taken as his helpmeet has been a life-long resident of Pittston. As a clerk for Harter & Company., and as an active worker in the First Baptist church and it various societies, she gained a wide acquaintance and many warm friends who now unite in wishing her happiness and prosperity in her wedded life.