Lyle Luther Rathbun Lyle Luther Rathbuns family moved to Los Angeles from Eaton, Indiana in 1918. After Lyle Luther Rathbun graduated from Manual Arts High School, he managed a grocery…
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A Clark Rathbun Redkey Man Nearing 88th Year Describes Life As “Wonderful”
As A Clark Rathbun nears his birthday anniversary on May 7, he sums up the years with the comment, ” I’ve had a wonderful life.” From the comments of townsmen…
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Dr Lyle L Rathbun – Half a Century of Dentistry
Congratulations to Dr. Lyle L. Rathbun, 747 N. Euclid Avenue, Ontario, who retired this summer after 52 years of dental practice. Dr Lyle L Rathbun graduated from U.S.C. in 1925,…
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Clark Rathbun Writes Letter To California Family
Clark Rathbun – Redkey, Indiana May 2nd 1956. Dear Lyle and all. A few lines to let you know we are still among the living. Grant remains just the same….
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Betty Lou Rathbun turns 7 years old
Pinocchio Party Given On Seventh Birthday Of Ontario Girl – A PINOCCHIO party was enjoyed by Betty Lou Rathbun and 12 of her friends when she celebrated her seventh birthday…
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