Inez Elizabeth Young: In Loving Memory of Inez Elizabeth Young Born October 1, 1916 Date of Death September 22, 1985 Service Tuesday, Sept. 24, 1985, 3:00 PM Officiant Reverend Edward…
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Cheryl Lynn Ingalls and John Scott Slater are happy to announce their marriage on Saturday, the twenty-seventh of April nineteen hundred and seventy-four This celebration of love was held aboard…
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Hanna Borthwick
A Sad Affair The citizens of Ontario were startled and shocked Thursday morning to learn that Mrs. Hanna Borthwick had committed suicide the evening previous. The deceased had suffered from…
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Robert Engle Obituary
Robert Engle, son of William and Lutitia Engle, was born in Warren County, Ohio, September 21, 1837 and departed this life on April 17, 1914, age 76 years, 6 months…
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Adam Borthwick
TAKES PIPE TO BED Lodger Smokes Himself to Sleep and is Probably Fatally Burned in Blazing Cot. Falling asleep with his pipe in his mouth, Adam Borthwick, a bricklayer, set…
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