In July, 2018 I was gifted a South Bend lathe, model 9A which I have named, “The General” due do a red badge found in it, which reads: THIS MACHINE…
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South Bend 9A Lathe – Project General Relocation
In July, 2018 I received a phone call offering me an old South Bend 9A lathe and a mill. I will not go into the details here, but it was…
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John Pillans Borthwick
John Pillans Borthwick was born to William Borthwick, a wire worker, residing at 227 High Street, High Church Parish and his spouse Jane Pillans. A lawful son on the 6…
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Nicholas E Ensley
Lieutenant Nicholas E Ensley Company K. 44th Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry The only Commissioned Officer furnished by Butler Township, County of DeKalb, State of Indiana, during the great American Rebellion…
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Alfred R Rathbun
ALFRED R RATHBUN, born April 14, 1841, in Athens County, Ohio. He served in the 109th Indiana Regiment during the Civil War, and was married May 14, 1864, in Randolph…
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