Pretty Evening Wedding John R. Thomas and Miss Jennie McMath United in Marriage. John R. Thomas, of Scanton and Miss Jennie (Jennie Borthwick) McMath, of this city, were united in…
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Jennie Borthwick Obituary
Mrs John R. Thomas Mrs. Jennie Borthwick McMath, wife of John R. Thomas, died at 4:30 o’lock yesterday afternoon at the family residence, 138 South Sherman street, Wilkesbarre, and the…
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John P Borthwick Birth Announcement
Ediburgh 10th January 1840, John P Borthwick Borthwick William Borthwick, Wire Worker, residing No. 227 high Steet, High Church Parish, and Jane Pillans, his spouse, has a lawful Son born…
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Betty Lou Rathbun Marriage Announcement
Doctor and Mrs. Lyle Rathbun announce the marriage of there daughter Betty Lou Rathbun to Mr. Bruce Milton Hatton Saturday, the twenty-fourth of October Nineteen hundred and fifty-nine Westminster Presbyterian…
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Betty Lou Rathbun Married in Ontario
Miss Betty Lou Rathbun, daughter of Dr. and Mrs, Lyle Rathbun, 747 N. Euclid Ave., Ontario, became the bride of Bruce Milton Hatton of Huntington Park Oct. 24 in the…
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