Pretty Evening Wedding John R. Thomas and Miss Jennie McMath United in Marriage. John R. Thomas, of Scanton and Miss Jennie (Jennie Borthwick) McMath, of this city, were united in…
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Jennie Borthwick Obituary
Mrs John R. Thomas Mrs. Jennie Borthwick McMath, wife of John R. Thomas, died at 4:30 o’lock yesterday afternoon at the family residence, 138 South Sherman street, Wilkesbarre, and the…
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John P Borthwick Birth Announcement
Ediburgh 10th January 1840, John P Borthwick Borthwick William Borthwick, Wire Worker, residing No. 227 high Steet, High Church Parish, and Jane Pillans, his spouse, has a lawful Son born…
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Hanna Borthwick
A Sad Affair The citizens of Ontario were startled and shocked Thursday morning to learn that Mrs. Hanna Borthwick had committed suicide the evening previous. The deceased had suffered from…
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Adam Borthwick
TAKES PIPE TO BED Lodger Smokes Himself to Sleep and is Probably Fatally Burned in Blazing Cot. Falling asleep with his pipe in his mouth, Adam Borthwick, a bricklayer, set…
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