John Rathbone in later years in America was called a “husbandman” (farmer), and it is likely that he worked as a boy as a farm laborer. It is probable that…
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Cornelius Reilly Dies While Going Home from Church
Retired Lake Captain Stricken on Robie Avenue – Daughter Goes for Doctor but the End Comes Within Few Minutes. Medical Examiner Gives Heart Failure As Cause. When returning from St….
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John P Borthwick Birth Announcement
Ediburgh 10th January 1840, John P Borthwick Borthwick William Borthwick, Wire Worker, residing No. 227 high Steet, High Church Parish, and Jane Pillans, his spouse, has a lawful Son born…
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John Pillans Borthwick
John Pillans Borthwick was born to William Borthwick, a wire worker, residing at 227 High Street, High Church Parish and his spouse Jane Pillans. A lawful son on the 6…
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