As part of my 24-Pounder Naval Gun model project, after laying out the pattern onto a 2 inch piece of bar stock, I decided to turn down the the final…
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24-Pounder Naval Gun – Rough Layout – Part 1
The 24-Pounder Naval Gun model I am building is approximately 1.8 inches in diameter and about 9.5 inches in total length. The barrel tapers along the entire length at 3.8…
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Headstock Spider – Boring Down
Once I had the Headstock Spider out of the Lewis Horizontal Mill, I needed to open up the bore to have a snug fit on the lathe’s headstock. The first…
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Lighting up the South Bend Lathe
Now that I have a few months working on the old South Bend Lathe, it has become crystal clear that I need to improve the lighting around the machine. The…
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South Bend 9A Status Update
It was been sometime since I updated the latest of my little South Bend 9A Lathe. This lack of updating is due to the holiday season and that I have…
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